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Animal Painting: Elephant

with artist & tutor Betsey Kilpatrick Monday 10th & Tuesday 11th July 10am - 12.30pm

85 British pounds
Great King Street

Available spots

Service Description

In this children's drawing and painting session, children will delve into the animal kingdom by looking at the many colourful ways in which one of natures most beautiful giants has been captured on canvas. Children will be shown a number of different images and array of styles in which they may draw inspiration from, and which may influence how they themselves might like to choose to paint or draw during the 2.5 morning hours. Betsey has a lot of experience mentoring many different children in after school clubs and holiday organisations. She is a graduate of the Royal College of Art in London, painting peaceful and also vibrant works where the brushwork is evident or muted. All materials are provided by The Edinburgh Drawing School including all acrylic paint, coloured pencils, watercolours, collage materials. Image Credits: Image 1: unknown Image 2: 'A moment in Time' by Joan Kennedy Image 3: 'Nine Elephants' by Thai Fine Art Image 4: 'Elephant Family' by Leroy Neman Image 5: 'Elephants' by Michele Klamp Image 6: 'Heavy Traffic' by David Shepherd OBE FGRA Image 7: ' Mana Bull' by EmilyLamb Image 8: 'African Elephant' by Caroline Skinner

Cancellation Policy

We will provide a 50% refund if you give written advance notice up to 30 days before the course start date. 0% refund 30 days before a course starts. Please note there is an administration fee of £5 payable in respect of such refunds to cover payment processing fees. You will need to inform a member of administration staff in writing by emailing EDS at Additionally, if you withdraw for any reason after the course has started you will not be entitled to a refund. We are a small business and we depend on every booking to ensure that classes can go ahead. If a student is unable to attend a class due to illness, then EDS must be informed immediately so that the tutor can be notified. If you are missing a class because you suspect that you have developed Covid-19, please let us know immediately so that we can alert fellow student and tutors. Non-attendance of classes/workshops does not automatically mean a refund, however EDS will assess the circumstances with fair and reasonable consideration.

Contact Details

  • 13A Great King Street, Edinburgh, UK

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