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Introduction to Drawing

with artist and tutor Siri France Fridays 1.30 - 4pm

225 British pounds
Great King Street

Available spots

Service Description

This class is for complete beginners and for those looking to refresh themselves on the absolute basics of drawing. Students will be taken step by step through some of the fundamentals of drawing, trying out exercises which will help you see and describe simple shapes, proportions, and lights and darks. We’ll use pencils and charcoal. If you feel like you can’t draw a straight line, this class is for you! It will give you the confidence to enjoy drawing and start you on your journey. Our classes are small, which means that there is plenty of one on one time with the tutor each week and students don't get 'lost' in a large group. The aim of this class is to give those who have never or rarely drawn the opportunity to learn the fundamental building blocks of drawing in a fun and friendly environment. All materials provided.

Cancellation Policy

We will provide a 50% refund if you give written advance notice up to 30 days before the course start date. 0% refund 30 days before a course starts. Please note there is an administration fee of £5 payable in respect of such refunds to cover payment processing fees. You will need to inform a member of administration staff in writing by emailing EDS at Additionally, if you withdraw for any reason after the course has started you will not be entitled to a refund. We are a small business and we depend on every booking to ensure that classes can go ahead. If a student is unable to attend a class due to illness, then EDS must be informed immediately so that the tutor can be notified. If you are missing a class because you suspect that you have developed Covid-19, please let us know immediately so that we can alert fellow student and tutors. Non-attendance of classes/workshops does not automatically mean a refund, however EDS will assess the circumstances with fair and reasonable consideration.

Contact Details

  • 13A Great King Street, Edinburgh, UK

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