Edinburgh's original independent art school
Seascapes at Portobello: En Plein Air
with artist and tutor Jane Weatherley Monday 31st July 10am - 4pm
Service Description
Join Jane Weatherley for a day of painting Seascapes at Portobello Beach. You may bring any medium of your choice as Jane is a teacher of all mediums from watercolour, to acrylic and water based oil. Please note all painting mediums including oil should be mixable with water only. The morning from 10.00am - 12.30pm will be spent making a first painting, and as the sunlight passes over the sky you will then make a second painting in the afternoon from 1.30 - 4pm. Seascapes are a glorious subject to paint with their never ending and changing vistas with how the light plays on the effects of water and sky. Together with the vibrant life surrounding Portobello, and enjoying a nice lunch in any of the cafes along the promenade, we hope to offer you a lovely day out at the beach but at the end also have one or two artworks to take home with you. Jane is a long standing tutor of The Edinburgh Drawing School and teaches students a diverse range of drawing techniques over all subjects. Jane has also taught for over 20 years at The Edinburgh College of Art. Summer time is a time to get out of the studio and take these skills and techniques and apply them to plein air environments, where we can be immersed into 'the now' with whatever the sun or clouds throw at us! Materials: - Any choice of paint or dry media - Paper or canvas to paint on - Paintbrushes - A rag or paper towel - pencil and eraser -water bottle - A portable plein air easel if you need one, or, a board with a portable seat to sit on. -a cap or sunhat - sun cream -clothing incase the weather changes Image Credits: 1. 'Sun Through Clouds, From Portobello Beach looking towards North Berwick Law and the sun appearing after a downpour' - Douglas Matthews

Cancellation Policy
We will provide a 50% refund if you give written advance notice up to 30 days before the course start date. 0% refund 30 days before a course starts. Please note there is an administration fee of £5 payable in respect of such refunds to cover payment processing fees. You will need to inform a member of administration staff in writing by emailing EDS at Additionally, if you withdraw for any reason after the course has started you will not be entitled to a refund. We are a small business and we depend on every booking to ensure that classes can go ahead. If a tutor has to withdraw from teaching the scheduled course for any reason (medical/personal/professional) before the start of a scheduled course, during a scheduled course, if the course is 8 weeks long or scheduled as x3 terms of 8 weeks long each, The Edinburgh Drawing School will find a replacement tutor for the course designed by that tutor for The Edinburgh Drawing School. The course content will be the same as the originally booked course. A student will not be entitled to a refund should the school have no option but to find a replacement tutor. If a tutor leaves and starts work elsewhere, and a student prefers to take classes with them personally at the tutor's new workplace, that is at the discretion of the student and no refund is entitled to them or will be given. If a student is unable to attend a class due to medical/personal/professional reasons, then EDS must be informed immediately so that the tutor can be notified. If you are missing a class because you suspect that you have developed Covid-19, please let us know immediately so that we can alert fellow student and tutors. Non-attendance of classes/workshops does not automatically mean a refund, however EDS will assess the circumstance
Contact Details
13A Great King Street, Edinburgh, UK